04 October 2007

New blog

Kia ora,

Our new blog is here:

Stop by for a visit.

10 September 2006

Smiling Pearl

Smiling Pearl
Originally uploaded by rorani4.

Our beautiful daughter sitting @ the dinner table. Pearl is up and away, crawling and trying to walk while holding on to the furtinture and anything else she can hold on to.

It seems like only yesterday Joseph was cruising around the house where ever he pleased. We rescued him from putting his hands or himself into the toilet on several occasions. Hopefully we can keep Pearl just as safe :)

21 August 2006

New photos on Flickr

Visit flickr.com/photos/rorani to see some mostly new, and a few old photos of our whanau.

Pearl is now up and crawling and interested in touch everything. It's really exciting as she discovers more of her world from ground level.

Joseph absolutely loves Thomas the Tank Engine and has curtains, a bag, slippers, clothes, trains, tracks, books and a tent with Thomas on them.

14 July 2006

Long Time

Well what a long long time without a post. Our apologies to all of you who have been diligently visiting our blog to see what we are doing these days.

Pearl is growing fast and is learning to roll and almost crawl around. Joseph is a fantastic big brother who just loves Thomas the Tank Engine.

We have tons of photos to upload as well so hopefully we'll get to that any day now.

Thanks for stopping by.

24 February 2006

New Beginnings

Today was the first day of Blair's new job as a CSP at Sitel. That was exciting for him and will also be a change from having him around home when needed. Lani and Joseph and Pearl are into their new weeky routine with Friday's being spent at playgroup at the end of our driveway. Joseph loves it and does so well. He is away at his Nanny's house tonight which he just loves. The rest of us are at home and are going to enjoy a DVD and relaxing.

26 January 2006

All Is Well

Pearl is growing as fast as can be and fitting clothes Joseph would wear when he was several months older than Pearl is now.

We're all adjusting well to the new lifestyle with two children.

Joseph loves his now sister and is always giving her big hugs and kisses. The other day he came and told us that baby was crying when we didn't hear her. His room is next door so he was keeping an ear out.

Other than that we are enjoying living out in the country and are pleased the torrential rain of yesterday has given way to the sunshine of today.

20 December 2005

Pearl O Te Rangi Rorani

Early this morning at 4:46 a.m. Pearl was born, 8 pounds and 4 ounces. She appears to be a little Leilani this time with curly hair! We're so thankful to our Heavenly Father for sending our new bundle of joy to our family.

Latest photos are here:

Mother and baby are both well and are having a few days out of the spot light to recover. Both Leilani and I are very happy and want to thank all those well wishers for their love and support.

Merry Christmas.